Tall Poppy Talk

celebrating success. learning from legends. growing poppies. 

Tall Poppy Talk:

This podcast is driven by my desire to have powerful conversations with people I admire. To address commonly shared feelings of imposter syndrome, self-doubt, and hesitation. Most importantly, to understand how others engage with their mental health in parallel to pursuing their goals. We can learn a lot about ourselves and from each other if we allow ourselves the opportunity to genuinely listen.

Tall Poppy Syndrome:

This figurative language – Tall Poppy – is used to illustrate individuals who ‘rise’ above their peers. The ‘Syndrome’ component represents the negative social dialogue taking place while these poppies are growing + rising. Tall Poppy Syndrome it is an experience individuals participate in from both the receiving and giving end; with the many impacts of this syndrome shared and fostered across communities.
Tall poppies are those people of genuine merit who are talented + successful, and as a result of this syndrome, their communities feel compelled to chop them down.

Lets encourage + praise the exchange of knowledge from these legends and hope it inspires each of us to pursue wholeheartedly our ambitions, regardless of what they may be. Further, lets be proud of our peers and celebrate their successes.

Please enjoy, share feedback & be kind.